About our UX design team

We are Lollyroll

UX design team

We help product and marketing teams create and improve websites and apps that are not only easy-to-use but have good KPI.


We’re a small but solid remote-first design team of enthusiastic UX designers distributed throughout Europe.


We manage the UX design process at large web projects, thinking of your clients’ experience. First and foremost are your customers or end-users. We are really good at User-Centered Design. Read about the chosen UX design approach.


We design digital products from zero to hero. Or from ex-hero to super-hero when redesigning it. We have the struggle to do more user research than most UX consultants because we have seen how powerful empathy can be as a design tool.


We cover all the UX design tasks for digital products: from UX research and Informational Architecture to Visual (UI) design and no-code implementation of your project. We use Agile. We’ve worked with different teams globally to deliver rapid design solutions (think weeks, not months).

Lollyroll Culture

Culture is not an empty word to us. At Lollyroll, we value enthusiasm and calmness. These two elements are an essential basis for all good jobs.


We are a responsible UX team with a prepared cooperation flow. And we constantly looking for long-term comprehensive design projects. If you have clients for us, we are ready to discuss terms.


We begin with the needs of the business and balance them with users’ needs because the interface is a vehicle for a business purpose.